Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Replies Complaint Letter (Bobby Sander 0906853)

May 20, 2010

Mr. Dwayne Johnson
The Kitchen Corner
147 Pasteur Street
Bandung 40173

Subject: The Retardation of Poultry Shears

Dear Mr. Johnson:

We have read your inquiry letter yesterday Mr. Johnson. We are very sorry for the delays about your items that you ordered in March 7, 2010. The delays happened because our unit car had an accident by local truckers on the way to your company. That incident made our delivery to your company blocked.

We are also sorry for failing to notify you Mr. Johnson. We will be responsible for this. We will send two dozen poultry shears back as soon as possible and it will be arrived tomorrow afternoon.

If you have any question or other complaint, please call me at 6285-677-887. Once again we are apologize for our wrongness.


(Mr.) Bobby Sander
Customer Service Manager

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